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When it comes to blockchain, most people associate it with Bitcoin, but it is not. Due to the ICO hype of many companies in the early development of the blockchain, many friends talk about the blockchain and even many people still regard the blockchain as a scourge! Even if you have heard of blockchain, trying to explain it will be a completely different story. But then again, trying to explain the Internet 30 years ago seems to be somewhat challenging. Is the blockchain the next era of the digital revolution? Nowadays, although blockchain is an emerging technology, it has the potential to launch a wave of innovation in multiple industries.


Why is the blockchain becoming a strategy for all countries in the world? The blockchain is essentially a decentralized database, and it is also well-known to the public as the underlying technology of Bitcoin. Today, with great emphasis on technological innovation, blockchain is considered to be another big wave after the Internet. As an infrastructure, it will bring huge opportunities for change in all walks of life. Countries around the world have repeatedly emphasized the importance of blockchain in new technological changes, and expressed their desire to use blockchain as an important breakthrough in independent innovation of core technologies.


由澳洲CHARMWAVE CAPITAL PTY LTD与FINWAVE PTY LTD公司共同发起。联合世界知名区块链实验室Protocol Lab及多领域优质资源、丰富管理运营经验的合作社区共同组建,从新商业发展趋势出发,结合可持续收益赛道理论预测,创造性提出区块链+生态圈理论,真正做到区块链技术和产业融合。

It was co-sponsored by Australia CHARMWAVE CAPITAL PTY LTD and FINWAVE PTY LTD. Jointly established with the world-renowned blockchain laboratory Protocol Lab and a cooperative community with high-quality resources in multiple fields and rich management and operation experience. Starting from new business development trends, combined with the prediction of the sustainable income track theory, creatively proposed the blockchain + ecosystem theory , Truly achieve the integration of blockchain technology and industry.



Relying on the powerful blockchain technology of BForing Labs, ABF public chain is a global open source platform for decentralized applications. It combines an executable, secure multi-party computing environment, diverse and comprehensive real data, and builds cooperative projects through joint resource sharing. Rich landing application scenarios.



The joint laboratory believes that with the rapid development and increasing popularity of blockchain technology, the intensity and scope of the impact on many industries such as commerce, finance, health, education, and leisure are unimaginable. Cutting-edge innovation accelerates the large-scale application of blockchain technology on a global scale.
