摘要:日前,RedBlock Inc (“RedBlock”)与Security Token Group (“STG”) 正式确立了合作关系。双方将携手共建高水平的宣发内容并共同致力于推进资产数字化进程。 ...
Official Announcement: RedBlock Inc. Partners with Security Token Group
官宣!RedBlock与Security Token Group正式确立合作关系!

RedBlock Inc (“RedBlock”) and Security Token Group (“STG”) are very pleased to announce a partnership, which will see us join forces to deliver quality content promoting all things digital asset tokenization.
日前,RedBlock Inc (“RedBlock”)与Security Token Group (“STG”) 正式确立了合作关系。双方将携手共建高水平的宣发内容并共同致力于推进资产数字化进程。
Under this partnership, we will use our media channels in China to expose STG content to another audience, and with STG’s ability to quantify and provide in-depth analysis and observations on the security token space, we will be able to accelerate the growth of our global ecosystem of capital markets partners.
Security Token Group, the umbrella organization of Security Token Market (“STM”), Security Token Advisors (“STA”), Security Token Capital (“STC”), and the Security Token Show (“STS”), leverages security tokens to conduct consulting services, aggregate financial data, and provide technical solutions to capital market players such as asset managers, fund directors, investors, and financial institutions.
Security Token Group利用资产数字化为客户提供咨询与财务数据汇总服务,并面向广大资本市场参与者(包括资产管理人,基金经理,投资者和金融机构等)提供技术解决方案。其旗下企业包括Security Token Market (“STM”)、Security Token Advisors (“STA”)、Security Token Capital (“STC”)和 the Security Token Show (“STS”)。
A centerpiece of this partnership, Security Token Market, is a leading, international platform that has comprehensive and important analysis and news of the asset digitization industry as well as live-trading data powered by API integration, hosting hundreds of STOs. Covering topics such as the secondary market, international asset digitization projects and industry trends and news, our new partners truly have their finger on the industry’s pulse. This combined with their industry research and other cutting-edge content is what makes our partners at Security Token Market stand out in the field.
As pioneering forces in the digital securities space, we both see it as imperative to keep the conversation around digitization and tokenization active and growing, which is why we will be reporting on the important and exciting news of our industry, both at home and abroad. Our recent partnership with leading China-based blockchain media group, Block Global, allows us to better promote the asset tokenization industry in Asia, particularly in China. By availing Security Token Group’s relevant and exciting content to both English-speaking and Chinese-speaking audiences, this partnership will help to bring news of our world, to the world.
作为数字资产领域的两大先锋力量,RedBlock和STG一致认为保证资产数字化的活跃与增长至关重要,因此双方将携手报导海内外业界的重要资讯。此前,RedBlock已与中国区块链媒体Block Global展开合作,共同推进亚洲,特别是中国的资产数字化产业发展。与STG合作的建立,有助于我们用汉英双语向全球用户展现STG的优质内容。
“Security tokens provide an opportunity for truly unprecedented international cooperation in the financial sector. By creating a global financial system, we are creating access to new assets for investors around the world. Security Token Group strives to accelerate that adoption, connecting the dots between each player in the ecosystem through diligent research, innovative thinking, and collaboration with global partners. RedBlock provides a much needed bridge between two of the largest financial markets in the world and we look forward to producing great content and research that is accessible to anyone, independent of language, jurisdiction, and economic differences.” - Kyle Sonlin, Founding Partner of STG, CEO of STM, Co-Host of the Security Token Show.
STG联合创始人、STM首席执行官兼Security Token Show联席主持Kyle Sonlin说:“资产数字化为金融行业带来了前所未有的国际合作机遇。通过打造全球化的金融体系,我们为全球投资者创造了获取新资产的途径。为加速其采用,Security Token Group一直致力于通过尽职调研、保持创造性思维并积极开拓合作伙伴的方式加强生态系统参与者间的相互关联。RedBlock在全球规模最大的两个金融市场间搭建起了不可或缺的沟通桥梁,我们期待双方将携手产出优质的研究内容,而不会受到诸如语言、司法管辖或经济差异等因素带来的影响。”
“We look forward to continue working with Security Token Group in accelerating the adoption of security tokens globally. Security Token Group’s presence as a pioneering data platform for security tokens have drawn large numbers of asset managers, projects and investors in this space. We are excited to tap into this as we grow our global ecosystem of capital markets partners.” - Jemma Xu, Co-founder and General Partner of RedBlock.
RedBlock联合创始人兼合伙人Jemma Xu表示:“我们期望此次合作将有助于推进数字资产的全球化采用。作为该领域中先进的数据平台,Security Token Group吸引了大批忠实的资产管理者、项目与投资人士。我们相信Security Token Group的优质资源将为RedBlock不断成长的全球生态体系注入新的能量。”
About Security Token Group
关于Security Token Group
Security Token Group is a Miami, Florida based venture studio focused on reinventing capital markets through asset tokenization. STG has created a platform to provide shared capital resources for multiple business units across the security token ecosystem, including Security Token Advisors, Security Token Market, and Security Token Capital. By capitalizing on coordination between concentric companies, STG can innovate and provide highly-demanded services and products while maintaining consistency across its brands and intellectual property.
Security Token Group是一家坐落于佛罗里达州迈阿密市的企业,旨在通过资产数字化重塑资本市场。STG专门搭建了系统平台以向数字资产生态体系中的诸多成员提供共享项目资源,旗下包括Security Token Advisors, Security Token Market与 Security Token Capital。通过各子公司间的通力协作,STG成功维护了其品牌及知识产权的一致性并坚持创新,为广大客户提供高标准的服务与产品。
Friend link for Medium Story: https://medium.com/@redblock/2d9a34afcb0e?source=friends_link&sk=a2d6c369adbb8a1fd3bb6d02e625c923
官宣!RedBlock与Security Token Group正式确立合作关系!

RedBlock Inc (“RedBlock”) and Security Token Group (“STG”) are very pleased to announce a partnership, which will see us join forces to deliver quality content promoting all things digital asset tokenization.
日前,RedBlock Inc (“RedBlock”)与Security Token Group (“STG”) 正式确立了合作关系。双方将携手共建高水平的宣发内容并共同致力于推进资产数字化进程。
Under this partnership, we will use our media channels in China to expose STG content to another audience, and with STG’s ability to quantify and provide in-depth analysis and observations on the security token space, we will be able to accelerate the growth of our global ecosystem of capital markets partners.
Security Token Group, the umbrella organization of Security Token Market (“STM”), Security Token Advisors (“STA”), Security Token Capital (“STC”), and the Security Token Show (“STS”), leverages security tokens to conduct consulting services, aggregate financial data, and provide technical solutions to capital market players such as asset managers, fund directors, investors, and financial institutions.
Security Token Group利用资产数字化为客户提供咨询与财务数据汇总服务,并面向广大资本市场参与者(包括资产管理人,基金经理,投资者和金融机构等)提供技术解决方案。其旗下企业包括Security Token Market (“STM”)、Security Token Advisors (“STA”)、Security Token Capital (“STC”)和 the Security Token Show (“STS”)。
A centerpiece of this partnership, Security Token Market, is a leading, international platform that has comprehensive and important analysis and news of the asset digitization industry as well as live-trading data powered by API integration, hosting hundreds of STOs. Covering topics such as the secondary market, international asset digitization projects and industry trends and news, our new partners truly have their finger on the industry’s pulse. This combined with their industry research and other cutting-edge content is what makes our partners at Security Token Market stand out in the field.
As pioneering forces in the digital securities space, we both see it as imperative to keep the conversation around digitization and tokenization active and growing, which is why we will be reporting on the important and exciting news of our industry, both at home and abroad. Our recent partnership with leading China-based blockchain media group, Block Global, allows us to better promote the asset tokenization industry in Asia, particularly in China. By availing Security Token Group’s relevant and exciting content to both English-speaking and Chinese-speaking audiences, this partnership will help to bring news of our world, to the world.
作为数字资产领域的两大先锋力量,RedBlock和STG一致认为保证资产数字化的活跃与增长至关重要,因此双方将携手报导海内外业界的重要资讯。此前,RedBlock已与中国区块链媒体Block Global展开合作,共同推进亚洲,特别是中国的资产数字化产业发展。与STG合作的建立,有助于我们用汉英双语向全球用户展现STG的优质内容。
“Security tokens provide an opportunity for truly unprecedented international cooperation in the financial sector. By creating a global financial system, we are creating access to new assets for investors around the world. Security Token Group strives to accelerate that adoption, connecting the dots between each player in the ecosystem through diligent research, innovative thinking, and collaboration with global partners. RedBlock provides a much needed bridge between two of the largest financial markets in the world and we look forward to producing great content and research that is accessible to anyone, independent of language, jurisdiction, and economic differences.” - Kyle Sonlin, Founding Partner of STG, CEO of STM, Co-Host of the Security Token Show.
STG联合创始人、STM首席执行官兼Security Token Show联席主持Kyle Sonlin说:“资产数字化为金融行业带来了前所未有的国际合作机遇。通过打造全球化的金融体系,我们为全球投资者创造了获取新资产的途径。为加速其采用,Security Token Group一直致力于通过尽职调研、保持创造性思维并积极开拓合作伙伴的方式加强生态系统参与者间的相互关联。RedBlock在全球规模最大的两个金融市场间搭建起了不可或缺的沟通桥梁,我们期待双方将携手产出优质的研究内容,而不会受到诸如语言、司法管辖或经济差异等因素带来的影响。”
“We look forward to continue working with Security Token Group in accelerating the adoption of security tokens globally. Security Token Group’s presence as a pioneering data platform for security tokens have drawn large numbers of asset managers, projects and investors in this space. We are excited to tap into this as we grow our global ecosystem of capital markets partners.” - Jemma Xu, Co-founder and General Partner of RedBlock.
RedBlock联合创始人兼合伙人Jemma Xu表示:“我们期望此次合作将有助于推进数字资产的全球化采用。作为该领域中先进的数据平台,Security Token Group吸引了大批忠实的资产管理者、项目与投资人士。我们相信Security Token Group的优质资源将为RedBlock不断成长的全球生态体系注入新的能量。”
About Security Token Group
关于Security Token Group
Security Token Group is a Miami, Florida based venture studio focused on reinventing capital markets through asset tokenization. STG has created a platform to provide shared capital resources for multiple business units across the security token ecosystem, including Security Token Advisors, Security Token Market, and Security Token Capital. By capitalizing on coordination between concentric companies, STG can innovate and provide highly-demanded services and products while maintaining consistency across its brands and intellectual property.
Security Token Group是一家坐落于佛罗里达州迈阿密市的企业,旨在通过资产数字化重塑资本市场。STG专门搭建了系统平台以向数字资产生态体系中的诸多成员提供共享项目资源,旗下包括Security Token Advisors, Security Token Market与 Security Token Capital。通过各子公司间的通力协作,STG成功维护了其品牌及知识产权的一致性并坚持创新,为广大客户提供高标准的服务与产品。
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