首页 > 世链号 > 通讯周刊#14 | 数字化发展趋势、去中心化&控制垄断、投资要闻

通讯周刊#14 | 数字化发展趋势、去中心化&控制垄断、投资要闻

摘要:上周RedBlock官宣了与Security Token Group的合作关系,本周Security Token Market (STM)的首篇报告已在东南亚媒体渠道正式上线。

You no doubt heard about our partnership with Security Token Group last week.  Well, this week marks our first syndication of the team’s Security Token Market (STM) content to our channels in South East Asia!
上周RedBlock官宣了与Security Token Group的合作关系,本周Security Token Market (STM)的首篇报告已在东南亚媒体渠道正式上线。
We are hosting their research reports on our site as well, the first of which is an Asset Tokenization Market Analysis report for the month of September, which you can read here!
Before we get into it, we want to say how honored we are to be chosen as the Security Token Show’s (STS) Company of the Week. STS is Security Token Group’s podcast covering current trends and events within the security token space. You can find the latest episode, which covers our partnership and the Company of the Week announcements, on STS’s Medium page.
RedBlock很荣幸地宣布当选Security Token Show’s (STS)的周评企业之星。STS是Security Token Group旗下播客,内容覆盖数字证券领域的发展动向与重要时讯。请点击STS链接,收听相关咨询
And applications to be a RedLedgers beta tester are still open, so apply today!Please fill in our application form if you are interested- Closed Beta Form
1. A Declaration of Tokenization 
Our first story of the week is probably the biggest, at least in terms of assessing government sentiment towards tokenized assets in the US. This past week, in a webinar panel, SEC Chairman Jay Clayton posited that in the future, the entirety of stocks could very well be tokenized. He added that he himself and the SEC were open to a tokenized exchange-traded fund, or ETF, saying, “‘we’re willing to try that; our door is wide open. If you want to show how to tokenize the ETF product in a way that adds efficiency, we want to meet with you, we want to facilitate that’”. (Decrypt)
美国证券交易委员会主席Jay Clayton在上周举行的一场网络研讨会中提出:未来,整个股票市场很有可能会实现“数字化”。他补充说,他本人和美国证券交易委员会都对使用数字化技术的交易所交易基金(ETF)持开放态度。他说:“我们愿意尝试,SEC也持开放态度。如果你知道如何高效地对ETF产品进行数字化操作,那么请与我们联系,我们共同促进这一领域的发展。” (Decrypt)
2. Asset Digitization and the Korean New Deal
South Korea is taking marked and pointed steps towards transforming the Korean capital markets. During a seminar concerning “Virtual Asset Business Law” which was hosted by representatives of South Korea's Democratic Party and Delio, a virtual asset lending company, conversation about digital assets found itself tightly linked to the forthcoming Korean New Deal. For context, the Korean New Deal is a national development plan looking at how the country can improve itself in a post-Covid era. Kim Tae-nyeon, Democratic Party floor leader, asserted that “’building an AI government utilizing blockchain is one of the main pillars of the Korean New Deal.’” He went on to talk about how this work needs to be done quickly. Equally exciting is the news that South Korean banks are already looking toward the blockchain, with one bank, Shinhan Bank, looking at how it can “play its role in the area of DeFi with a converged model of blockchain and financial service”. (Delio via PR Newswire)
韩国正采取显著而有针对性的举措以实现资本市场的改造任务。在由韩国民主党和虚拟资产借贷公司Delio共同主办的有关“虚拟资产商法”的研讨会上,代表们就数字化资产展开讨论,并将其与即将到来的韩国新政(Korean New Deal)紧密联系在了一起。韩国新政是一项国家发展计划,着眼于在疫情后时代进行自我改善。民主党领袖Kim Tae-nyeon称:“利用区块链技术建立AI政府是韩国新政的一大核心要义。”他认为这项工作应尽快予以落实。同样令人兴奋的是,有消息称韩国银行已开始将目光投向区块链技术。其中新韩银行(Shinhan bank)正在考虑如何“将区块链技术与金融服务进行整合,以在DeFi领域发挥作用”。(Delio via PR Newswire)
Industry Updates
1. Blockchain as a Remedy- Making Sure Big Tech Can’t Get Too Big
以区块链作为补救措施 —— 钳制大型企业的垄断行为
A recent article by Kollen Post of Cointelegraph is asserting that the US government’s recent attempts to curb the power and consolidation of big tech make quite the case for a path towards decentralization. And this assertion is very founded. That is to say, with the recent (and not so recent) news of tactics used to crowd out and monopolize their respective spaces, as well as the recent, high-profile legal battle between Epic Games and Google/Apple really bringing these tech giants’ bullying into the spotlight, Congress wants to make sure this never happens again. If the United States congress is able to take the necessary steps to do so, this would “leave the field open for blockchain technologies that make concentration of power impossible not only illegal, but technologically impossible.” (Cointelegraph)
Cointelegraph的Kollen Post近期发表文章指出:美国政府最近正试图钳制大型科技公司的权力垄断和企业整合从而促使其权力的下放。这一断言具有丰富的事实依据。近年来,美国大型科技企业频出战略性举措以提高行业准入壁垒并巩固其垄断霸权地位。Epic Games和Google / Apple企业间令人瞩目的法务大战也将这些霸凌现况呈现到了聚光灯下。而美国国会则希望杜绝此类事件的发生。如果美国国会能够采取相应举措,那么“就能推进区块链解决方案的采用,从而从技术层面防止垄断发生。” (Cointelegraph)

Investment & Financing
1. Tokenized Real Estate in Singapore 新加坡房地产数字化进展
Blockchain solutions provider HashCash has just formed a partnership with a Singapore-based real estate enterprise by lending their expertise about blockchain technology and how the real estate enterprise can leverage distributed ledger technology to bring about fractional ownership of properties. More specifically, HashCash will “be helping the Singaporean partner enterprise, leverage the power of… HashCash’s blockchain network and develop a tokenization platform where the estates can be divided and tokenized to be presented and sold to potential investors.” (Benzinga)
日前,区块链解决方案供应商HashCash与新加坡房地产企业建立了合作关系,以期通过提供区块链转专业技术知识,指导该房地产企业利用分布式账本技术实现部分所有权。具体而言,HashCash将“帮助该新加坡合作企业,利用HashCash的区块链网络优势,开发出一款数字化平台。在这一平台中,地产项目产权可被分割并完成数字化操作,最终呈现给潜在的投资人士。” (Benzinga)
2. Draper Goren Holm Announces Investment Fund for Blockchain Startups
Draper Goren Holm创立支持区块链初创企业的投资基金
On Tuesday of this week, at the Los Angeles Blockchain Summit, venture studio Draper Goren Holm made quite a substantial announcement. In fact, it was a $25 million announcement. The venture studio, focused on incubating startups in the blockchain space, announced its new venture, dubbed Fund 1, which seeks to “invest in novel early-stage projects”. Having already opened an office in Austria, the venture will be an international one. (Bitcoin.com)
在本周二举行的洛杉矶区块链峰会中,风投工作室Draper Goren Holm宣布了一项重要声明。这家专注于孵化区块链领域初创公司的风投企业宣布将创立一款名为“基金1号”(Fund 1)、价值2500万美元的新型基金,专投“新颖的早期项目”。目前,Draper Goren Holm已在奥地利开设了一家办事处,并将成为一家国际化企业。(Bitcoin.com)
3. DeFiner Just Got Another Investor 
DeFiner, the decentralized financing network, just found its latest investor, SNZ Holding, following Signum Capital and Alphabit. The advantage of this most recent investment is that it allows DeFiner to “leverage SNZ Holding’s support to refine the security protocols on its non-custodial digital asset platform, and stay ahead of the rapid development in the DeFi space.” (DeFiner via PR Newswire)
继Signum Capital 和Alphabit后,去中心化金融网络DeFiner迎来了新的投资方 —— SNZ Holding。这一最新投资的意义在于允许DeFiner“利用SNZ Holding的支持来完善其非托管数字资产平台的安全协议,并在快速发展的DeFi领域中保持领先地位。” (DeFiner via PR Newswire)
References 参考文献
Regulatory News监管动态
1. “SEC Chairman Open to Crypto-based Exchange-Traded Fund”
2. “Korea Begins to Establish the Virtual Asset Business Law”
Industry Updates 行业要闻
1. “Congress’ renewed attack on Big Tech may clear the field for decentralization”
Investment and Financing Progress 投融资进展
1. “HashCash to Help Leading Singaporean Firm with Real Estate Tokenization” 
2. “Tim Draper's Venture Studio to Triple-Down on Blockchain Projects With a $25M Fund”
3. “DeFiner Announces Latest Investment from SNZ Holding”