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(Q:XT.COM   A:Patrick)


Hi, everyone! Welcome to the XT AMA Channel. XT is honored to invite FEED today. Let me give a brief introduction to XT first.

大家好,欢迎来到XT AMA 频道!很荣幸XT今天能邀请到FEED的嘉宾做客我们的AMA。首先,请允许我简单地介绍一下XT。

XT.com is the world's first real-time social trading platform with 0% leverage interest. The XT ecosystem has over 6 million global users with a daily transaction volume of close to $5 billion. The platform has real-time indicators and tools that bring the best trading atmosphere for all users.

XT.com是世界首个杠杆率为0%的实时社交化数字资产交易所。XT生态系统拥有超过600万来自全球各地的用户,日交易额近50亿美元。 XT交易平台有实时指标和工具,可以给所有用户带来最佳的交易氛围。

XT exchange's innovative social model empowers the blockchain industry through newly developed social trading avenues, which were once not possible. XT has achieved this through a combined effort with our partners, like Btok.


Today, our guest is Patrick. Let's talk to him to learn about Feeder Finance.


Hello Patrick, thank you for joining us for the XT and Feeder Finance AMA!



Hi! Glad to be here with all of you.



Can you give our audience a brief introduction of Feeder Finance?

您能给我们的观众简单介绍一下Feeder Finance吗?


Sure! Feeder Finance is a DeFi protocol which focuses on aggregating existing DeFi products into a bundle. Our first products could consider it vault of vaults. But our upcoming product will also be vault of LPs and farm, autocompounded. Our product is unique in a sense that it aggregates more than a single target into a vault and diversify. We use TVL and APY as drivers for allocating deposits into all of them at different weightings. The core principle is to allow users to diversify their investment across multiple platforms, autocompound, and auto rebalance. All within one deposit.

当然!Feeder Finance是一个DeFi协议,它主要是将现有的DeFi产品聚合在一起。大家可以把第一批产品看作是聚合众多金库的大金库。我们接下来推出的产品也是自动聚合流动性池和矿场的金库。我们的产品非常独特,它将多个产品聚集到一个金库中,并使之多样化。我们把总锁定价值(TVL)和年化收益率(APY)作为驱动,以不同的权重将存款分配到其中。我们的核心原则是让用户在多个平台上分散投资,自动复合,自动再平衡。完成以上所有步骤只需进行一次存款操作。


I have checked your project has got impressive ratings by some top crypto rating websites. How do you take these ratings?



We haven’t done a lot of marketing since our IDO because we’ve been focused on product development. We’ll likely be much more active in the weeks to come with our product launches to make sure we reach as many people as possible who would like to either use our products or become holders and benefit from the buyback-driven trading fees distribution.



Can you introduce the core team members of Feeder Finance? We hear that the team is highly experienced, can we get some examples?

能介绍一下Feeder Finance团队的核心成员吗?我们听说这个团队经验丰富,能举一些例子吗?


Happy to. There are three founding team members: Paula, Jimmy, and myself, Patrick.

很乐意分享。我们团队有三个创始成员。Paula, Jimmy, 还有我自己, Patrick.

Paula has started her own online marketing company since her years in college and ran it ever since. Her clients are large public and private companies who look for ways to engage with their customers, build an online present, and create advertisement strategies.


Jimmy is a fullstack developer that has built and sold a very successful content-driven website a couple years back and made millions. He didn’t stop there, for the past 15 years he’s been among the top website and project developer in his native country. He has built websites and softwares for countless businesses.


As for me, I’ve been in Finance for over 10 years. Half of that time as institutional sales trader and the other half as an investment banker. I’ve traded all kinds of securities for hedge funds and other institutional clients. Meanwhile, as an investment banker, I’ve been involved in countless venture and private equity deals.


In summary, we have a marketer, a fullstack developer, and a financier as the founding team and think it’s a great combination to create fantastic value for the DeFi ecosystem.



Can you give our community a brief introduction behind the inspiration to build Feeder Finance?

可以跟我们的社区简单分享一下当初创办Feeder Finance的灵感吗?


Feeder Finance came out of mine and Jimmy frustration with the lack of options within DeFi. Most vault platforms do the same thing, they pick an LP, and autocompound. We have to go to each of the platform’s websites to look for good opportunities to invest while having to manage our own risk by diversifying into different vaults and platforms. For people like us who has a lot of things going on, or you could say, too lazy to do all the manual work, we thought a great product and platform would be something to simplifies all of this. That’s how we came up with Feeder Finance and are aiming to build a DeFi Aggregator with products and features that would make DeFi investing simpler, faster, and much more enjoyable.

当初我和Jimmy在DeFi领域看不到好的投资项目,为此感到很煎熬,所以我们创立了Feeder Finance。大多数金库平台都在做同样的事情:建一个流动性资金池,然后自动复合。我们必须到每个平台的网站上寻找好的投资机会,同时必须通过将资金分散到不同的金库和平台来管控我们面临的风险。对于像我们这样很忙的人,或者说很懒的人,我们认为一个伟大的产品和平台应该将这些繁琐的步骤简化。这就是我们创办Feeder Finance的初衷,我们的目标是建立一个具有产品功能的DeFi聚合器,使DeFi投资过程更简单、更快速、更愉快。


In the Crypto industry, what do you think of the current state? What do you think that needs to be improved?



The industry is still so young that countless things are still missing. I can’t go through them all but let me give you two things that are on my mind and relevant to Feeder Finance

这个行业起步晚,还很多缺失的东西。我不能在这一一列举,但我想和大家讲讲与 Feeder Finance有关的两件事。

1. DeFi is incredibly fragmented. Industries, especially finance, consolidates overtime. This is because most services are the same and innovation can be copied very quickly. Think about how fast UNI was copied by SUSHI or all the PCS forks out there. What can’t be copied are trust and security. We’re likely going to move to that stage where you find that only a handful of platforms control most of the TVL while other smaller entrepreneurs and founders need to innovate, rather than copy. Copying seems to be the norm right now, it won’t be forever.


2.Wealth Management has yet to emerge in DeFi. I think where we are is we’re in this stage 3 or layer 3 of the DeFi product pyramid. You have lending and trading protocols (layer 1) you have vaults that optimize layer 1 (layer 2), and Feeder Finance is trying to build layer 3, which is aggregating all these products into a single product. We think, the most important layer is yet to come, and that is the wealth management layer. Where financial advisors and users start to aggregate products into a single portfolio. Managing risk and returns from a portfolio perspective rather than a single deposit. This is the norm in physical work finance, it’s a huge industry, and DeFi naturally would go there.

Feeder Finance vision, is to first build the products and platform, the userbase, and ultimately, we hope we can innovate and create a true wealth management platform for DeFi.

DeFi领域还没有出现财富管理。我认为我们现在所处的位置是DeFi产品金字塔的第三阶段或第三层。贷款和交易协议是第1层,第2层是优化第1层的金库,而Feeder Finance正试图建立第3层,即把所有这些产品聚合成一个产品。我们认为,最重要的一层还没有到来,那就是财富管理层。在财富管理层,金融顾问和用户开始将产品聚合成一个单一的投资组合。从组合而非从单一的存款的角度管理风险和收益。这是实体金融的规范操作。这是一个巨大的行业,DeFi肯定会往这个方向发展。

Feeder Finance的愿景,首先是开发产品和建立平台,建立用户群,最终我们希望能够进行创新,为DeFi创造一个真正的财富管理平台。


How does the Feeder Finance team plan to tackle these issues to reach mass adoption?

Feeder Finance 团队打算如何解决这些问题,实现大规模的应用?


I think our entire philosophy is to build on these issues. We don’t copy. Our code is original in almost its entirety, and our product unique. Our vision for the future is unique and long-term. Ultimately what I think creates mass adoption is time and product value. Pumping your token to the moon as most projects do would only expose holders to a quick pump and dump. Ultimately there has to be a Tokenomics behind the price and Feeder Finance is all about that. Current and new holders will surely recognize the potential of our product and our token since it’s all fundamentally driven and unique.

我认为我们的整个理念都建立在这些问题上。我们不会抄袭,我们的代码几乎全部是原创的,产品也是独一无二的,我们对未来有独特的长期愿景。所以,我认为实现大规模采用的途径就是时间和产品价值。如果像大多数项目那样让代币价值短期内一飞冲天,那么结果只会让代币持有者面临代币暴涨和暴跌的情况。归根结底,在价格背后必须有一个代币经济学,Feeder Finance就做到了。新老代币持有者肯定会意识到我们的产品和代币所具有的潜力,因为它是所有基本动力和独特性的来源。


What is your timeline, and what can we look forward to from Feeder Finance?

你们的时间表安排了哪些计划呢?我们可以期待哪些Feeder Finance的项目?


We’ve launched our first vault in Early July, more vaults are coming as we go. By August, we’ll likely have a major new feature coming online which will be a fundamental change to how DeFi is navigated within the DeFi/BSC ecosystem. We’ll likely also go multi-chain by August or September and expand our addressable market. There are so many things to look forward to and I do hope people join our community to stay informed and make decisions about whether to be part of it.



Anything else do you want to share with our community?



I’d like to make sure everybody knows they can reach me directly in my DM if they have questions about the products or our platform. I’m always here to be of assistance.



Thank you, Patrick, for taking the time to do this FEED with us today. It has been great learning more about APL and the team behind it!

再次感谢Patrick 能在百忙之中参与此次直播。非常荣幸能对FEED及其背后的团队有更深的了解!

