与char、int、float、double和bool数据类型不同,C++中没有原生的 "字符串 "数据类型--但是它的
#include #include using namespace std ;int main(){ string text = "9" ; // Declare and initialize. string term("9 ") ; // Alternative. string info = "Toys" ; // Declare and initialize. string color ; // Declare only. char hue[4] = {'R','e','d','\0' } ; color = hue ; // Assign char array. info = " Balloons" ; // Reassign. text += ( term + color + info ) ; // Build long string. cout << endl << text << endl ; return 0 ;}
获取字符串输入让用户输入带有空格的字符串时,例如句子,可以使用getline()函数。这个函数需要两个参数来指定字符串的来源和目的地。例如,其中cin函数是源,名为 "str "的字符串变量是目的地。getline( cin , str ) 。getline()函数从输入 "流 "中读出,直到遇到行末的换行符--当你点击Return时产生。在混合使用cin和getline()函数时必须注意,因为getline()函数会自动读取输入缓冲区中的任何内容--给人以程序跳过一条指令的印象。cin.ignore()函数可以用来克服这个问题,它忽略了留在输入缓冲区的内容。
#include #include using namespace std ;int main(){ string name ; cout << "Please enter your full name: "; cin >> name ; cout << "Welcome " << name << endl ; cout << "Please re-enter your full name: " ; // Uncomment the next line to correct this program. //cin.ignore( 256, '' ); getline( cin, name ) ; cout << "Thanks, " << name << endl ; return 0 ;}
#include #include #include using namespace std ;int main( ){ string term = "100" ; // String to convert to int. int number = 100 ; // Int to convert to string. string text ; // String variable for converted int. int num ; // Int variable for converted string stringstream stream ; // Intermediary stream object. // Convert string to int... stream << term ; // Load string into stream. stream >> num ; // Extract stream to int. num /= 4 ; // Manipulate the int. cout << "Integer value: " << num << endl ; cout << "Integer value: " << stoi(term) << endl ; // Reset the stream object back to new... stream.str("") ; // Reset the stream to an empty string. stream.clear() ; // Reset the stream bit flags (good,bad,eof,fail). // Convert int to string... stream << number ; // Load int into stream. stream >> text ; // Extract stream to string. text += " Per Cent" ; // Manipulate the string. cout << "String value: " << text << endl ; cout << "Integer value: " << to_string(number) << endl ; return 0 ;}
#include #include using namespace std ;void computeFeatures( string ) ;int main(){ string text = "C++ is fun" ; computeFeatures( text ) ; text += " for everyone" ; computeFeatures( text ) ; text = "C++ Fun" ; computeFeatures( text ) ; text.clear() ; computeFeatures( text ) ; return 0 ;}void computeFeatures( string text ){ cout << endl << "String: " << text << endl ; cout << "Size: " << text.size() ; cout << " Capacity: " << text.capacity() ; cout << " Empty?: " << text.empty() << endl ;}
#include #include using namespace std ;int main(){ string lang = "C++" ; string term = " Programming" ; string text = "C++ Programming" ; // Joining strings... cout << "Concatenated: " << ( lang + term ) << endl ; // Concatenates strings in output. cout << "Original: " << lang << endl ; // But does not change first variable. cout << "Appended: " << lang.append( term ) << endl ; // Appends second string in first variable. cout << "Original: " << lang << endl << endl ; // And does change first variable. // Comparing strings... cout << "Differ: " << ( lang == term ) << endl ; // 0 false. cout << "Match: " << ( lang == text ) << endl << endl ; // 1 true. cout << "Match: " << lang.compare( text ) << endl ; // 0 identical. cout << "Differ: " << lang.compare( term ) << endl ; // 1 string arg lower ascii code value. cout << "Lower ASCII: " << lang.compare( "zzzzz" ) << endl ; // -1 string arg higher ascii code value. return 0 ;}
#include #include using namespace std ;int main(){ string front, back, text = "Always laugh when you can. It\'s cheap medicine." ; // Assignation... front.assign( text ) ; // Assign the full string. cout << endl << "Front: " << front << endl ; front.assign( text, 0, 27 ) ; // Assign elements 0 thru 27. cout << endl << "Front: " << front << endl ; back.assign ( text, 27 , text.size() ) ; // Assign elements 27 thru end. cout << "Back: " << back << endl ; // Swap... back.swap( front ) ; // Swap the full strings. cout << endl << "Front: " << front << endl ; cout << "Back: " << back << endl ; return 0 ;}
#include #include using namespace std ;int main(){ string text = "I can resist anything but temptation." ; int num ; num = text.find( "resist" , 0 ) ; cout << "Position: " << num << endl ; num = text.find( "nonsuch" , 0 ) ; cout << "Result: " << num << endl ; num = text.find_first_of( "If" ) ; cout << "First I: " << num << endl ; num = text.find_first_not_of( "If" ) ; cout << "First not I: " << num << endl ; num = text.find_last_of( "t" ) ; cout << "Last t: " << num << endl ; num = text.find_last_not_of( "t" ) ; cout << "Last not t: " << num << endl ; return 0 ;}
#include #include using namespace std ;int main(){ string text = "I do like the seaside" ; cout << "Original: " << text << endl ; text.insert( 10, "to be beside " ) ; cout << "Inserted: " << text << endl ; text.erase( 2, 3 ) ; cout << "Erased: " << text << endl ; text.replace( 7, 25, "strolling by the sea" ) ; cout << "Replaced: " << text << endl ; cout << "Copied: " << text.substr( 7, 9 ) << endl ; cout << "Last character: " << text.at( text.size() - 1 ) << endl ; return 0 ;}
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