RedBlock通讯周刊#3 | 探究加密货币的挖矿与其安全性
First Up, Our Partnership with Morpheus Labs has Officially Been Announced!
本周中,我们正式官宣了与Morpheus Labs的合作关系。
This week, we officially announced our extensive partnership with Morpheus Labs. This highly synergistic partnership leverages Morpheus Labs’ BPaaS (Blockchain Platform as a Service) and DeFi (Decentralized Finance) solutions and our global network of capital participants as well as our end-to-end digital asset management platform to drive the adoption of tokenized assets and digital securities and provide enterprises and projects alternative routes of capital raising.
本次合作关系的建立有助于Morpheus Labs的BPaaS (blockchain - platform -as-a- service, 区块链即平台服务)和DeFi((Decentralized Finance,去中心化金融解决方案)与RedBlock的全球资本市场参与者生态系统和点到点区块链数字资产管理平台相整合,旨在推进数字资产与数字资产的采用,并为广大企业及项目提供募资替代方案。
Read our full write up on the partnership here:
Before we move onto our subject this week, we have another announcement: we have begun to publish proprietary research reports, the first of which is live on our site here and covers this week’s newsletter topic.
Now, on to our focus this week, cryptocurrency mining and security!

Bitcoin’s Hash Rate and Transaction Fees
A report by Namrata Shukla of details how Bitcoin’s network- although its hash rate is in recovery- still needs more security. This is owed in part to the dip in revenue received by crypto miners, who are responsible for Bitcoin’s security, as they make sure that 51-percent attacks can’t happen.
Namrata Shukla 在AmbCrypto.com发表了详细报告,阐述了在哈希率逐渐恢复的情况下,比特币的安全性不容小觑。这是因为为杜绝出现51%攻击,负责维护比特币安全的矿工们的收入大幅下跌。
In order to make up for the lessened incentives for miners to, well, mine, Bitcoin’s network has to pay out transaction fees, which they have had to do increasingly in recent months. Increasing fees might undermine security, in that it “may incentivize selfish mining practices in a bid to extract greater profits, risking disruptions to how transactions are processed”, according to an article about Ethereum’s security published by earlier this week. The increasing trend of transaction fees plays an interesting role, at once being cited as a measure that makes up for a lack of security, but according to other sources, one that, if it gets to be too high, can compromise security as well.
Protocol Labs’ Filecoin Incentivization Program Is Receiving a Lot of Interest in China
Protocol Labs的Filecoin激励计划在中国引起了广泛关注
The deep interest in crypto-mining in China reaches new heights as Filecoin, a cryptocurrency made by the US-based Protocol Labs, gets closer deployment in the mainnet. For four months now, Protocol Labs has been running a testnet version of their Filecoin mining incentive program that seeks to decentralize storage power, thus creating a “distributed storage network”. Although only in its testing phase, it has attracted the speculation of investors, and “Chinese crypto exchanges, such as BKEX and ZB, [who have] also partnered with Filecoin miner makers and claimed on their website that Filecoin cloud mining contracts worth over $1 million in USDT were sold out within minutes last month.” Why is this speculation important? Well, China is responsible for at least half of the computing power on Bitcoin, so it stands to reason that mining interest here will be a driving factor in the security of the network and its adoption.
由美国Protocol Labs发布的一款名为Filecoin的新型加密货币将在主网中进行部署,使得中国矿工挖矿兴致再创新高。四个月来,Protocol Labs一直在运行其Filecoin采矿激励计划的测试版本。该计划旨在通过存储能力的分散化来创建一个“分布式存储网络”。尽管仍处于测试阶段,但项目已经成功吸引了投资者的目光,“诸如BKEX和ZB一类的中国加密货币交易所已纷纷与Filecoin矿商展开合作并在其官网发布消息称上个月价值一百万美元的Filecoin云挖矿协议在几分钟内便销售一空。” 为什么中国投资人士如此重要?因为至少有一半的比特币计算能力来自于中国,因此,中国对挖矿的兴趣将成为推动比特币网络安全和采用的一大影响因素。
Texas Throws Its Hat in the Ring 德克萨斯州渴望入场
Texas is bringing its trillion-dollar economy, backing of state-representatives, and cheap mining power to the table in an effort to become the United States’s hub for blockchain investments and business operations. In fact, Texas has already attracted attention from the likes of China-based crypto hardware manufacturing company Bitmain, which has opened a Bitcoin mining facility, and Germany-based tech company Northern Data AG, which has plans to open one. According to the Texas Blockchain Council’s president, Lee Bratcher, “Texas will most likely see an increase in hash power and hash rates due to the state’s cheap” and deregulated “electricity, natural gas and boom in the development of wind power”. When it comes to mining, Texas is definitely a place that you should keep your eye on.
德州正企图运用其价值万亿美元的经济规模、州议员的广泛支持以及廉价的采矿资源打造出全美区块链投资及商业运营中心。实际上,德州已成功吸引到Bitmain的目光。Bitmain是一家中国加密硬件基础设施公司,现已在德国科技公司 Northern Data AG中成功完成了一台比特币挖矿机的部署工作并有意增设一台设备。得克萨斯州区块链协会主席Lee Bratcher表示:“得益于廉价的成本优势,德州极有可能实现哈希力及哈希率的双增长。此外,州内解除了对电力、天然气的管制规定并有意促进风力发电的蓬勃发展。”就挖矿而言,德州绝对值得关注!
The Upshot: 前文综述
l We have officially announced our partnership with Morpheus Labs!
RedBlock正式宣布与Morpheus Labs展开合作
l We are now publishing research reports that you can find on our website
l Bitcoin’s hash rate is on the mend, but transaction fees are something to be wary of
l Filecoin, although not yet rolled out on the mainnet, is showing a great deal of promise and attracting a great deal of attention in China
l Texas is gearing up to leverage its economy and cheap power sources to become a crypto-mining powerhouse
Thanks for reading and, of course, be sure to share the knowledge to make sure your friends stay in the loop!
本周中,我们正式官宣了与Morpheus Labs的合作关系。
This week, we officially announced our extensive partnership with Morpheus Labs. This highly synergistic partnership leverages Morpheus Labs’ BPaaS (Blockchain Platform as a Service) and DeFi (Decentralized Finance) solutions and our global network of capital participants as well as our end-to-end digital asset management platform to drive the adoption of tokenized assets and digital securities and provide enterprises and projects alternative routes of capital raising.
本次合作关系的建立有助于Morpheus Labs的BPaaS (blockchain - platform -as-a- service, 区块链即平台服务)和DeFi((Decentralized Finance,去中心化金融解决方案)与RedBlock的全球资本市场参与者生态系统和点到点区块链数字资产管理平台相整合,旨在推进数字资产与数字资产的采用,并为广大企业及项目提供募资替代方案。
Read our full write up on the partnership here:
Before we move onto our subject this week, we have another announcement: we have begun to publish proprietary research reports, the first of which is live on our site here and covers this week’s newsletter topic.
Now, on to our focus this week, cryptocurrency mining and security!

Bitcoin’s Hash Rate and Transaction Fees
A report by Namrata Shukla of details how Bitcoin’s network- although its hash rate is in recovery- still needs more security. This is owed in part to the dip in revenue received by crypto miners, who are responsible for Bitcoin’s security, as they make sure that 51-percent attacks can’t happen.
Namrata Shukla 在AmbCrypto.com发表了详细报告,阐述了在哈希率逐渐恢复的情况下,比特币的安全性不容小觑。这是因为为杜绝出现51%攻击,负责维护比特币安全的矿工们的收入大幅下跌。
In order to make up for the lessened incentives for miners to, well, mine, Bitcoin’s network has to pay out transaction fees, which they have had to do increasingly in recent months. Increasing fees might undermine security, in that it “may incentivize selfish mining practices in a bid to extract greater profits, risking disruptions to how transactions are processed”, according to an article about Ethereum’s security published by earlier this week. The increasing trend of transaction fees plays an interesting role, at once being cited as a measure that makes up for a lack of security, but according to other sources, one that, if it gets to be too high, can compromise security as well.
Protocol Labs’ Filecoin Incentivization Program Is Receiving a Lot of Interest in China
Protocol Labs的Filecoin激励计划在中国引起了广泛关注
The deep interest in crypto-mining in China reaches new heights as Filecoin, a cryptocurrency made by the US-based Protocol Labs, gets closer deployment in the mainnet. For four months now, Protocol Labs has been running a testnet version of their Filecoin mining incentive program that seeks to decentralize storage power, thus creating a “distributed storage network”. Although only in its testing phase, it has attracted the speculation of investors, and “Chinese crypto exchanges, such as BKEX and ZB, [who have] also partnered with Filecoin miner makers and claimed on their website that Filecoin cloud mining contracts worth over $1 million in USDT were sold out within minutes last month.” Why is this speculation important? Well, China is responsible for at least half of the computing power on Bitcoin, so it stands to reason that mining interest here will be a driving factor in the security of the network and its adoption.
由美国Protocol Labs发布的一款名为Filecoin的新型加密货币将在主网中进行部署,使得中国矿工挖矿兴致再创新高。四个月来,Protocol Labs一直在运行其Filecoin采矿激励计划的测试版本。该计划旨在通过存储能力的分散化来创建一个“分布式存储网络”。尽管仍处于测试阶段,但项目已经成功吸引了投资者的目光,“诸如BKEX和ZB一类的中国加密货币交易所已纷纷与Filecoin矿商展开合作并在其官网发布消息称上个月价值一百万美元的Filecoin云挖矿协议在几分钟内便销售一空。” 为什么中国投资人士如此重要?因为至少有一半的比特币计算能力来自于中国,因此,中国对挖矿的兴趣将成为推动比特币网络安全和采用的一大影响因素。
Texas Throws Its Hat in the Ring 德克萨斯州渴望入场
Texas is bringing its trillion-dollar economy, backing of state-representatives, and cheap mining power to the table in an effort to become the United States’s hub for blockchain investments and business operations. In fact, Texas has already attracted attention from the likes of China-based crypto hardware manufacturing company Bitmain, which has opened a Bitcoin mining facility, and Germany-based tech company Northern Data AG, which has plans to open one. According to the Texas Blockchain Council’s president, Lee Bratcher, “Texas will most likely see an increase in hash power and hash rates due to the state’s cheap” and deregulated “electricity, natural gas and boom in the development of wind power”. When it comes to mining, Texas is definitely a place that you should keep your eye on.
德州正企图运用其价值万亿美元的经济规模、州议员的广泛支持以及廉价的采矿资源打造出全美区块链投资及商业运营中心。实际上,德州已成功吸引到Bitmain的目光。Bitmain是一家中国加密硬件基础设施公司,现已在德国科技公司 Northern Data AG中成功完成了一台比特币挖矿机的部署工作并有意增设一台设备。得克萨斯州区块链协会主席Lee Bratcher表示:“得益于廉价的成本优势,德州极有可能实现哈希力及哈希率的双增长。此外,州内解除了对电力、天然气的管制规定并有意促进风力发电的蓬勃发展。”就挖矿而言,德州绝对值得关注!
The Upshot: 前文综述
l We have officially announced our partnership with Morpheus Labs!
RedBlock正式宣布与Morpheus Labs展开合作
l We are now publishing research reports that you can find on our website
l Bitcoin’s hash rate is on the mend, but transaction fees are something to be wary of
l Filecoin, although not yet rolled out on the mainnet, is showing a great deal of promise and attracting a great deal of attention in China
l Texas is gearing up to leverage its economy and cheap power sources to become a crypto-mining powerhouse
Thanks for reading and, of course, be sure to share the knowledge to make sure your friends stay in the loop!
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