RedBlock通讯周刊#4 | 火币开启托管业务,比特币牛市来临
This week’s focus is active addresses and news on digitized and tokenized assets. Our research report this week, which you can find live on our site here, also concerns cryptocurrency active addresses and volatility. Read on below for coverage of Bitcoin, Ethereum, Huobi, and more real estate adoption of tokenization!
Bitcoin is above $10,000 due to DeFi and Stablecoins/Altcoins
This week, Bitcoin brought exciting news as it’s price broke the psychological number of $10,000. Does this quash fears that BTC would sink below the $9,000 threshold, leaving it vulnerable to a price freefall? Well, on Monday, BTC was above $10,500, a price threshold which experts say needs to be maintained in order for Bitcoin to have a bull-run. While fears of a breakdown are not out-of-sight and out-of-mind, Bitcoin is certainly in good shape. As to why this has happened, some say it’s owed to DeFi (decentralized finance). According to “Chris Thomas, head of digital assets for broker Swissquote… DeFi is the main reason for the cryptocurrency markets’ move up overall. ‘It’s purely DeFi driven,’ said Chris Thomas.”
本周,比特币市场迎来了令人振奋的消息:比特币价已成功突破了1万美元这个心理预期。那么这是否能打消人们对比特币即将跌破9000美元门槛并易受价格暴跌影响的担忧呢? 周一,比特币价格突破了10500美元,专家表示唯有保持这个价格门槛,比特币才能实现牛市行情。尽管人们对比特币崩盘的担忧依旧存在,但毋庸置疑的是目前比特币的状态保持良好。在分析比特币价格上涨的原因时,一些人认为需归功于DeF(去中心化金融)的采用。经纪商Swissquote数字资产部负责人Chris Thomas认为DeFi是加密货币市场整体上涨的主要原因。

Although it should be noted that other factors are contributing to the success of BTC as well, such as the increased market capitalization of stablecoins. However, a more curious factor has to do with altcoins. Because there has been an influx of Bitcoin into exchanges while its overall presence in the crypto market is around only 61%, “market analysts [are suggesting] that Bitcoin is flowing into exchanges to be traded for the altcoins that power DeFi platforms.” However, it is important to note that Bitcoin’s surge signals that whales and institutional entities may be favoring large-cap and high DAA (Daily Active Addresses) cryptocurrencies. This, coming from crypto analytics firm Santiment, who also asserts that due to the high DAA of Bitcoin, the “shift could be long lasting”.
Etherueum’s Active Addresses 以太坊中的活跃地址
This week, Ethereum also saw a huge increase in price, reaching a level that is its highest since 2019. However, Ethereum’s price also outpaced its active addresses. This isn’t to say that its active addresses have declined recently- in fact they’ve been increasing. The price surge, like Bitcoin’s price, is attributed to the adoption of DeFi applications. It should be noted, as we talked about in last week’s newsletter, that Ethereum’s still high fees do not bode well, this time for its number of active addresses.
本周,以太坊价格激增,达到自2019年的最高水平。然而,目前 以太坊的价格已经超出了其活跃地址的总数量。但这并非意味着以太坊活跃地址数量的减少——事实上活跃地址数量一致呈上升态势。与比特币相仿,以太坊的价格上涨同样归因于DeFi的应用。值得注意的是,正如我们在上周通讯周刊中所言的那样,Ethereum的高收费并不是一个好兆头,而其活跃地址数量的激增同样也并非好事。
Huobi is Diving into the Digital Assets Sector 火币进军数字资产领域
Crypto exchange company Huobi recently launched its digital assets custody platform in an effort to capitalize on a feeling shared by many exchanges including Huobi that institutional investors are and will increasingly adopt the use of digital securities. In an interview with, Huobi’s Head of Global Markets, Ciara Sun, made the assertion that as regulatory processes become clearer, institutional adoption of digital securities will increase. It is interesting to note that Ciara Sun attributed the overall lack of current institutional adoption to a lack of infrastructure in spaces like custodianship. This move seems like a direct addressing of said lack of capital market services currently in the digital assets space.
为充分响应并利用包括其自身在内的广大交易所达成的共识 – 即越来越多的机构投资者正在并将加大对数字证券的采用量,机构加密货币交易所公司火币于近日推出了其自有数字资产托管平台。火币全球市场部负责人Ciara Sun在接受Cointelegraph采访时断言随着监管程序的日益明确,市场对数字证券的制度化采用将会不断增加。有意思的是,Ciara Sun将目前机构采用的总体缺乏归咎于诸如监护等空间基础设施的缺乏。而火币发布托管平台之举似乎直接解决了目前数字资产领域资本市场服务匮乏的相关问题。
Tokenized Securities 数字化证券
This week also brings further adoption by the real estate market of tokenized securities as St. Regis Aspen’s holding firm announced that it would be opening 19% of the property, which is worth around $18 million, to the private market through asset tokenization. This comes as our partners at tZero form a partnership with Elevated Returns LLC, the aforementioned holding firm. It is a very emboldening sign that a very notable real estate security is opening itself up to the private market. The firm’s founder and president, Stephane De Baets, cites the ease of having “access to a regulated, transparent and hopefully liquid product” and the fact that “anyone can actually go into the tZero ecosystem, an account and… buy or sell a digital representation of a share of an actual, equity-ownership in the St. Regis Aspen” as a reason why this is such an advantageous move for the property.
本周房地产业加大了对数字化证券的采用量。随着我们的合作伙伴tZero 与St. Regis Aspen旗下控股公司合作关系的建立,后者于本周宣布将通过资产数字化技术向私人市场开放一个价值1800万美元项目的19%的资产,这表明知名房地产商已开始向私人市场开放。当谈及此举对房地产行业的益处时,tZero创始人兼总裁Stephane De Baets引述道“此举能促进监管和资产透明度,并有望增加产品的流动性”,此外“每个人都能加入到tZero的生态系统中,开户并交易St. Regis Aspen酒店实际股权的数字化资产份额”。
The Upshot: 前文综述
● Bitcoin shoots past $10,000 as some cite adoption of DeFi as the reason.
● Bitcoin’s high DAA is thought to have the potential to keep its rise going.
● Ethereum is also on the rise, though its active addresses are wanting, and its fees may threaten to shrink them.
● Crypto exchange platform Huobi is jumping into a digital assets custodian role- something that may very well attract more institutional adoption of digitized assets
● More adoption of tokenization in the real estate sector through St. Regis Aspen’s holding firm and our partner, tZero.
St. Regis Aspen旗下公司以及我们的合作伙伴tZero纷纷加大了对房地产业资产的数字化采用度。
Thanks for reading and be sure to share the knowledge to make sure your friends stay in the loop!
Bitcoin is above $10,000 due to DeFi and Stablecoins/Altcoins
This week, Bitcoin brought exciting news as it’s price broke the psychological number of $10,000. Does this quash fears that BTC would sink below the $9,000 threshold, leaving it vulnerable to a price freefall? Well, on Monday, BTC was above $10,500, a price threshold which experts say needs to be maintained in order for Bitcoin to have a bull-run. While fears of a breakdown are not out-of-sight and out-of-mind, Bitcoin is certainly in good shape. As to why this has happened, some say it’s owed to DeFi (decentralized finance). According to “Chris Thomas, head of digital assets for broker Swissquote… DeFi is the main reason for the cryptocurrency markets’ move up overall. ‘It’s purely DeFi driven,’ said Chris Thomas.”
本周,比特币市场迎来了令人振奋的消息:比特币价已成功突破了1万美元这个心理预期。那么这是否能打消人们对比特币即将跌破9000美元门槛并易受价格暴跌影响的担忧呢? 周一,比特币价格突破了10500美元,专家表示唯有保持这个价格门槛,比特币才能实现牛市行情。尽管人们对比特币崩盘的担忧依旧存在,但毋庸置疑的是目前比特币的状态保持良好。在分析比特币价格上涨的原因时,一些人认为需归功于DeF(去中心化金融)的采用。经纪商Swissquote数字资产部负责人Chris Thomas认为DeFi是加密货币市场整体上涨的主要原因。

Although it should be noted that other factors are contributing to the success of BTC as well, such as the increased market capitalization of stablecoins. However, a more curious factor has to do with altcoins. Because there has been an influx of Bitcoin into exchanges while its overall presence in the crypto market is around only 61%, “market analysts [are suggesting] that Bitcoin is flowing into exchanges to be traded for the altcoins that power DeFi platforms.” However, it is important to note that Bitcoin’s surge signals that whales and institutional entities may be favoring large-cap and high DAA (Daily Active Addresses) cryptocurrencies. This, coming from crypto analytics firm Santiment, who also asserts that due to the high DAA of Bitcoin, the “shift could be long lasting”.
Etherueum’s Active Addresses 以太坊中的活跃地址
This week, Ethereum also saw a huge increase in price, reaching a level that is its highest since 2019. However, Ethereum’s price also outpaced its active addresses. This isn’t to say that its active addresses have declined recently- in fact they’ve been increasing. The price surge, like Bitcoin’s price, is attributed to the adoption of DeFi applications. It should be noted, as we talked about in last week’s newsletter, that Ethereum’s still high fees do not bode well, this time for its number of active addresses.
本周,以太坊价格激增,达到自2019年的最高水平。然而,目前 以太坊的价格已经超出了其活跃地址的总数量。但这并非意味着以太坊活跃地址数量的减少——事实上活跃地址数量一致呈上升态势。与比特币相仿,以太坊的价格上涨同样归因于DeFi的应用。值得注意的是,正如我们在上周通讯周刊中所言的那样,Ethereum的高收费并不是一个好兆头,而其活跃地址数量的激增同样也并非好事。
Huobi is Diving into the Digital Assets Sector 火币进军数字资产领域
Crypto exchange company Huobi recently launched its digital assets custody platform in an effort to capitalize on a feeling shared by many exchanges including Huobi that institutional investors are and will increasingly adopt the use of digital securities. In an interview with, Huobi’s Head of Global Markets, Ciara Sun, made the assertion that as regulatory processes become clearer, institutional adoption of digital securities will increase. It is interesting to note that Ciara Sun attributed the overall lack of current institutional adoption to a lack of infrastructure in spaces like custodianship. This move seems like a direct addressing of said lack of capital market services currently in the digital assets space.
为充分响应并利用包括其自身在内的广大交易所达成的共识 – 即越来越多的机构投资者正在并将加大对数字证券的采用量,机构加密货币交易所公司火币于近日推出了其自有数字资产托管平台。火币全球市场部负责人Ciara Sun在接受Cointelegraph采访时断言随着监管程序的日益明确,市场对数字证券的制度化采用将会不断增加。有意思的是,Ciara Sun将目前机构采用的总体缺乏归咎于诸如监护等空间基础设施的缺乏。而火币发布托管平台之举似乎直接解决了目前数字资产领域资本市场服务匮乏的相关问题。
Tokenized Securities 数字化证券
This week also brings further adoption by the real estate market of tokenized securities as St. Regis Aspen’s holding firm announced that it would be opening 19% of the property, which is worth around $18 million, to the private market through asset tokenization. This comes as our partners at tZero form a partnership with Elevated Returns LLC, the aforementioned holding firm. It is a very emboldening sign that a very notable real estate security is opening itself up to the private market. The firm’s founder and president, Stephane De Baets, cites the ease of having “access to a regulated, transparent and hopefully liquid product” and the fact that “anyone can actually go into the tZero ecosystem, an account and… buy or sell a digital representation of a share of an actual, equity-ownership in the St. Regis Aspen” as a reason why this is such an advantageous move for the property.
本周房地产业加大了对数字化证券的采用量。随着我们的合作伙伴tZero 与St. Regis Aspen旗下控股公司合作关系的建立,后者于本周宣布将通过资产数字化技术向私人市场开放一个价值1800万美元项目的19%的资产,这表明知名房地产商已开始向私人市场开放。当谈及此举对房地产行业的益处时,tZero创始人兼总裁Stephane De Baets引述道“此举能促进监管和资产透明度,并有望增加产品的流动性”,此外“每个人都能加入到tZero的生态系统中,开户并交易St. Regis Aspen酒店实际股权的数字化资产份额”。
The Upshot: 前文综述
● Bitcoin shoots past $10,000 as some cite adoption of DeFi as the reason.
● Bitcoin’s high DAA is thought to have the potential to keep its rise going.
● Ethereum is also on the rise, though its active addresses are wanting, and its fees may threaten to shrink them.
● Crypto exchange platform Huobi is jumping into a digital assets custodian role- something that may very well attract more institutional adoption of digitized assets
● More adoption of tokenization in the real estate sector through St. Regis Aspen’s holding firm and our partner, tZero.
St. Regis Aspen旗下公司以及我们的合作伙伴tZero纷纷加大了对房地产业资产的数字化采用度。
Thanks for reading and be sure to share the knowledge to make sure your friends stay in the loop!
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