通讯周刊#18 | 美国Regulation CF、中国数字货币、Curzio与MERJ最新进展
摘要:大家好!本期周刊的主要内容有:美国SEC Regulation CF(集资规定);来自Curzio与MERJ的开拓性进展;中国数字货币试点项目取得成功以及数字资产业的其他要闻。
Regulation CF; China’s Digital Yuan; Curzio and MERJ Break Ground
通讯周刊#18 | 美国Regulation CF、中国数字货币、Curzio与MERJ最新进展

Hello again! This week we’re talking Regulation CF, a pioneering development from Curzio and MERJ, China’s successful digital yuan pilot program, and other headlines in the world of digital assets.
大家好!本期周刊的主要内容有:美国SEC Regulation CF(集资规定);来自Curzio与MERJ的开拓性进展;中国数字货币试点项目取得成功以及数字资产业的其他要闻。
The latest research report published in our issuance platform series this week covers the platform Tokenomica, so check it out, live in our research hub!
And keep an eye out for a very special announcement next week. You don’t want to miss it.

- Let’s Talk Regulation CF
This week brought another landmark ruling from the US SEC regarding Regulation CF. The news, broke by investing platform Republic, was, according to a string of tweets on their official Twitter account, a development that was years in the making (and as a result of a lot of lobbying, of course).
The significance of this development really can’t be overstated, as it brings the investment cap for companies that are raising capital through Regulation CF from its previous limit of $1.07 million to $5 million. This is the latest development handed down from the Jay Clayton-helmed SEC.
这一进展意义非凡。根据Regulation CF的最新规定:公司募资投资上限将从原来的107万美元提高到500万美元。这也是由Jay Clayton领导的SEC所带来的最新成果。
So, why is this significant? According to Republic’s Twitter announcement, this will “allow for startups to raise more from their communities and give communities a bigger slice of the pie. It will also incentivize later-stage startups raising more money to consider a campaign on [their] platform.” (Securities.io & Republic’s Twitter)
那么,此举有何重要意义呢?据Republic的Twitter公告表示,这将“允许初创公司从社区筹集更多资金,并给与社区更大的份额。此外鉴于他们是在平台中开展活动,这还会激励后期创业公司募得更多的资金。” (Securities.io & Republic’s Twitter)
- VAIOT Leads The Way in Malta
Another milestone was reached this week as VAIOT, an intelligent contract company with a proprietary AI and blockchain-based distributed network concept, has become the first blockchain project to “register its whitepaper with the Maltese authorities under its new regulatory framework for regulating digital assets”.
This bodes especially well for VAIOT’s STO, as it operates and trades within a regulatory environment that is clear and secure. (NEWSBTC)

- Curzio and MERJ Break New Ground
Now this. This is something we are very proud to report to you. This momentous news comes to you from our partners at Security Token Advisors and is a pioneering moment (original article here).
我们很荣幸地与大家分享一则来自RedBlock合作伙伴Security Token Advisors的重要新闻,这则要闻也标志着一个开拓性的进展(点此阅读原文)。
Late last week, at the end of October, we were treated to the news that Curzio, a financial newsletter industry leader and client of Security Token Advisors, would be listing its “CEO” Security Token on the MERJ Exchange.
上周晚些时候也就是10月末,我们获悉金融通讯业领军企业同时也是Security Token Advisors客户的Curzio将在MERJ交易所中发行一款名为“CEO”的数字证券。
According to Security Token Advisors’ coverage of the listing, this makes Curzio “the first in the world to be a private United States-based company to list tokenized securities on a foreign public exchange that is open to US citizens and investors from any other recognized jurisdiction around the world.” (Security Token Advisors via Medium)
Security Token Advisors在对此次上市发布的报告中表示,发行数字证券意味着Curzio成为了“全球首家在外国公开交易所发行数字证券的美国私营公司并将面向美国公民和来自世界其他任何公认司法管辖区的投资者开放投资。” (Security Token Advisors via Medium)
- Fidelity Investments Expands to Asia
US-based Fidelity Investments recently announced plans to expand digital asset custody services to Asia with the mission to “help high-net-worth investors and family offices in the region with custodial crypto products.” The institutional player is one of the largest asset managers in the world, with $3.3 trillion under management. (Bitcoin.com)
美国企业Fidelity Investments近期宣布计划将携其数字资产托管业务进军亚洲市场,以“为该区域内的高净值投资者与家族理财室提供加密产品托管服务”为目的。目前,Fidelity Investments以高达3.3万亿美元的资产管理量成为了全球最大的资产管理公司之一。 (Bitcoin.com)
- The Success of China's Digital Yuan Test Program
China’s test program of its digital yuan has passed a milestone this past week of processing 4 million transactions. People’s Bank of China’s (which issued 10 million digital yuan as part of the pilot program) Governor Yi Gang, while at the recent Hong Kong Fintech Week, talked of fintech companies’ ability to bolster “financial inclusion, with microloans and mobile payments bridging a gap for rural residents”.
While this test program was focused on retail and smaller transactions, this success could signal a full launch in the future. (PYMNTS)
Investment & Financing 投融资进展

- Crypto-assets Prove, Once Again, to be a Strong Choice for Investors
According to the crypto-asset hedge fund index by Vision Hill Group, the index’s tracked hedge funds have experienced returns of 126% this year. Among the reasons for this are Bitcoin’s price increasing and the substantial growth and development of the DeFi space.
Vision Hill Group最新发布的加密资产对冲基金指数表明:得益于比特币的价格上涨及DeFi行业的实质性增长与迅猛发展,该指数所追踪的对冲基金今年的回报率已达126%。
This news is a strong addition to the evidence that the crypto-asset market is maturing, with investors, both individual and institutional, seeing value in holding cryptocurrencies for the long-term. (Crowdfund Insider)
这则消息有力地向我们证明了加密资产市场正在逐渐走向成熟,个人和机构投资者都看到了长期持有加密货币的可观价值。(Crowdfund Insider)
References 参考文献
Regulatory News 监管动态
1. “SEC Expands Reg CF Fundraising Limits from $1.07M to $5M”
Republic’s Twitter Announcement
2. “VAIOT Becomes the First Regulated Blockchain Project under Malta’s VFA Act”
Industry Updates 行业要闻
1. “Security Token Advisors Client Curzio Research Lists CEO Tokens on Exchange Partner MERJ in Historical First for Security Tokens”
2. “Fidelity Investments' Digital Asset Custody Services Arm Expands to Asia”
3. “China's Tests Of Digital Yuan Have Processed 4 Million Transactions”
Investment and Financing 投融资进展
1. “Digital Asset Hedge Funds are Up 126% in 2020 According to Vision Hill’s Index”
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