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 Olesia Seliverstova,Nimbus高级公关和市场经理





Please introduce yourself.



Hello everyone! First of all, I would like to thank all of you for participating in the AMA session. My Name is Olesya Seliverstova, and I’m Senior PR and Marketing Manager at Nimbus Platform. A few words about my professional background: I have always been specializing in PR and Marketing. Through years of working with leading International companies and marketing agencies, I’ve really developed my skills and knowledge in this field. For now, I am very happy to be part of Nimbus. 

大家好! 首先,我要感谢大家参加本次AMA会议。 我叫Olesya Seliverstova,我是Nimbus Platform的高级公关和市场经理。 关于我的专业背景:我一直专注于PR和市场营销。 通过与领先的国际公司和市场营销机构的多年合作,我真的在该领域发展了自己的技能和知识。 现在,我很高兴成为Nimbus的一员。



Happy Chinese New Year! What new breakthroughs or layouts has NBU made recently? 

春节快乐! NBU最近取得了哪些新的突破或布局?


1) Amazing market history for NBU token:

It’s been a month since Nimbus DeFi platform and its native utility token NBU launch, and we can surely say that it has been a great start. Within 48 hours after the launch, the NBU token’s market cap had already reached ~$35 million. Throughout this period, the highest daily transaction volume reached $1.9 mln and the locked liquidity hit $3,800,000.

2) New NBU Listings

With the NBU token now live on Uniswap, we are currently in negotiations with other big exchanges. 

Here is super fresh news: we have just achieved a soft confirmation with one of the leading Chinese exchanges! We cannot officially announce the name yet but once we sign the final agreement, you’ll be the first to know! Expect amazing news very soon. 


Nimbus DeFi平台及其本机实用程序代币NBU推出已经一个月了,我们可以肯定地说这是一个伟大的开始。 发行后48小时内,NBU代币的市值已达到3500万美元。 在此期间,每日最高交易量达到190万美元,流动资金锁定达到380万美元。



这是超级新鲜的新闻:我们刚刚与领先的中国交易所之一取得了软确认! 我们尚不能正式宣布这个名字,但是一旦我们签署了最终协议,您将是第一个知道这个名字的人! 期待很快的好消息。



What are good news that the listing of the NBU token on Uniswap has bought for the Nimbus Platform and the community? 



NBU token got finally listed on Uniswap - the world’s biggest decentralized exchange - on 24th February. 

At one point during these days, NBU reached the 180 position in the overall Uniswap token ranking that includes more than 30 500 different tokens. This puts NBU in the best 0.5% of all tokens listed at Uniswap! That is truly impressive results for a token that was listed just several days ago!

Such rapid growth of NBU token, however, has attracted an arbitrage smart contract who leveraged this to its benefit and putting the NBU trading data lower than it was. 

But now, the market shows an upward trend for NBU again and a lot of Nimbus users have already made quite impressive results on it!  

Moreover, here are more benefits that the event has brought for the community:

Exciting opportunities for users due to token value differences between Nimbus internal Swap Machine and Uniswap

When a token is fresh on a new exchange, its exchange rate is different than on other exchanges where it’s already been listed for a while. So each new listing opens many opportunities for those keen to leverage this - don’t miss out!

Perfect listing timing in accordance with the bullish market conditions:

Finally, in the wake of the upcoming launches and events of more exciting Nimbus functionality and the current market conditions, this is undoubtedly the perfect time for NBU to be featured on other DEXs and invariably on Uniswap.

Higher exposure and increased demand for NBU:

With NBU being listed on Uniswap, it’s logical to expect an increase in the number of token holders and the overall Nimbus user base. At the same time, as more and more users execute swaps, the token value tends to appreciate, benefiting the entire community again.

Opportunity to execute larger swaps at a more stable rate as more liquidity gets added:

Uniswap, due to its nature as the largest automated decentralized exchange, solves many problems of liquidity for the DeFi space. The liquidity on Uniswap usually tends to be higher than on smaller exchanges — including the Nimbus internal Swap machine. This makes it easier to execute larger swaps without affecting the swap rate too much. So, as the liquidity of the NBU/ETH pair on Uniswap grows over time, those of you who are keen to swap tokens big time will have a way to go!












Uniswap由于具有最大的自动去中心化交易所的性质,因此解决了DeFi空间的许多流动性问题。 Uniswap上的流动性通常比小型交易所(包括Nimbus内部交换渠道)上的流动性更高。

这使得更容易执行较大的交换而不会过多地影响交换率,因此,Uniswap上NBU / ETH对的流动性随着时间的增长而增长。



What is the difference between swapping NBU on Nimbus internal Swap and Uniswap? Which one should you choose?



synergy. Once you get your NBU tokens via the Nimbus internal Swap, you can then Stake them, provide them as Liquidity, get rewards from the Referral program, and more. This enhances the user experience and saves you resources.

But what’s even more important, the Nimbus Platform and Tokenomics were designed to enable the Platform users to receive many streams of rewards whenever there’s any sort of activity at the Platform. This reinforces the community and helps the Platform develop.

For example, when somebody swaps tokens via the Nimbus internal swap, each swap generates rewards for the Governance token holders, the Referral program participants, Nimbus Liquidity Providers, and so on. This way, the entire user community benefits from the activities of each other.

2) Uniswap benefits:

Uniswap does not quite allow that. But on the other hand, swapping tokens at Uniswap makes perfect sense if your end goal is simply to acquire or swap tokens! Why? Because Uniswap has a lower commission compared to the Nimbus internal swap. And yes, it’s less beneficial for you as a Nimbus user in the long-run, yet it fits perfectly for those with short-t











What are the next steps in Nimbus RoadMap? Can you share them?



Regarding the upcoming launches, the next step is to launch the Nimbus Governance Token and the DAO on the 10th of March 2021. 

Here’s what this event shall bring for the Nimbus community: 

Users will be able to receive proportional portions of the accumulated Nimbus Platform fees which holds immense potential. You can look at other Governance tokens as a reference and see that the community loves Governance tokens indeed, and it translates into its value.

Users will be able to submit governance proposals, pass your voting rights to others, and vote on the technical, economic, and governance-related future of the Nimbus Platform.

Users will be able to Swap your Governance tokens with the NBU, ETH, USDT, WBTC, DAI, and other token pairs - especially as it gets listed on more DEXs and CEXs.

Following that, we are working towards introducing the first-ever Nimbus dApp, the Peer-to-Peer lending dApp on the 24th of March 2021. The dApp consists of extremely innovative mechanics that enable users to choose from a multi-tier pool system that will cater for lenders and borrowers with different risk appetite. It also offers a unique direct matching for lenders and borrowers based on their location. 

Indeed, the future is about to get extremely thrilling for the Nimbus platform and the community! 

关于接下来的发展,下一步是将于2021年3月10日发布Nimbus Governance 代币和DAO机制。





之后,我们正在努力推出首款Nimbus DAPP,即2021年3月24日的借贷DAPP。dApp包含极富创新性的机制,使用户可以从多层池系统中进行选择将迎合具有不同风险偏好的贷方和借款人。它还根据贷方和借贷方的位置提供独特的直接匹配。




How else can you benefit from the NBU listing at Uniswap now?



In order to further enhance the NBU listing on Uniswap for our users, we have launched a rewarding Swap Contest on Uniswap. Its total reward fund reaches 100,000 USDT and shall be divided between participants in NBU. 

The great news is, all participants shall receive a reward - not only the few lucky winners!

All you need to do is swap at least 1,000 NBU via Uniswap until the end of the Contest. Moreover, if you swap NBUs and hold them until the Contest finishes, you can further enhance your rewards! But hurry up! The contest will end soon and participants will receive their rewards!

Here are the details:


为了进一步提高我们用户的Uniswap上的NBU列表,我们在Uniswap上发起了一项奖励性的兑换竞赛。其总奖励资金达到100,000 USDT,并由NBU的参与者们分配。


您所需要做的就是通过Uniswap兑换至少1,000 NBU,直到比赛结束。此外,如果您兑换NBU并将其保留到比赛结束,则可以进一步提高奖励!需要快点参加!比赛即将结束,参赛者将获得奖励!


